What are 0845 Phone Numbers?

Discover 0845 Phone Numbers Today

0845 phone numbers are toll free phone numbers that can be dialed from anywhere in the world at no cost to the caller. 0845 numbers are popular with small businesses and big businesses alike, functioning to increase incoming call traffic, expand business reach globally, and boost brand recognition. With an 0845 phone number, even small start-ups can create an impression of size and notability. If you’re interested in optimizing your business presence, just read on to discover how to activate your first 0845 number today.

Improve Customer Service with 0845 Numbers

Every 0845 phone number from TollFreeForwarding.com comes free with Hosted PBX service, enabling unlimited phone line and extension activation. By providing your business with the tools and scalability to handle incoming call traffic, TollFreeForwarding can help you to improve your customer service satisfaction standards and your business reputation today. Through the TollFreeForwarding Online Control Center, you can manage all of your 0845 phone numbers, add or delete extensions, and even view call data and recordings.

Activate your Free 0845 Numbers Trial Today

If you’re ready to discover all of the benefits of 0845 numbers, just activate the TollFreeForwarding risk free 30-day trial today. The trial is completely free to set up, and requires no equipment or installation. To get started, just click here and select your new Toll Free Phone Number. In addition to choosing from US-based 0845 numbers, you can choose to customize your 0845 number to localize it to the international country of your choice. Once you’ve selected your new TollFreeForwarding phone number, just enter your business email address, and TollFreeForwarding will send you a confirmation email. As soon as you confirm your readiness to activate your first free phone number, TollFreeForwarding will have it up and running in as few as three minutes.